Blackhawk Bank is a locally-owned and operated community bank. And they are proud of it. In a time when many of their competitors have been bought by large conglomerates, Blackhawk has remained strong in their community beliefs. Tasked with defending their decision to remain community-focused and shedding light on the many advantages in doing so, Blackhawk partnered with Conectiv to develop a series of video for community members about the advantages of community banking.
Blackhawk Bank has always valued honesty and genuine relationship with its customers. They are committed to empowering people through knowledge, and desire to bring banking back to what it’s supposed to be. Because of this, it was important for the video to contain direct, personal communication from the bank president, as well as from employees who have left big banks in favor of the more transparent and closely-knit environment common within Blackhawk. The video captures real people discussing real situations where choosing community banking left them with real benefits not possible within large banking systems. This approach provides viewers with the education, testimonials, and confidence necessary to make an informed decision about who to trust with their assets.
ClientBlackhawk BankServicesVideo